Release Notes
1.3.0 / 2020-08-26
Expo 35>> Expo 38react-navigation v4-> react-navigation v5.xupgrade all packages in package.json.
general improvement.
added logo
1.2.0 / 2019-12-21
navigation navigating performance.
Transact screen in the main menu for better UX
keyboard component to the Transect Screen
Prices screen that includes more comprehensive crypto market data overview (e.g.: top gainers, top losers, and tradable assets with cryptostream)
material nav-tabs using react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs package
transaction line chart to represent all txs happened on user's wallets.
1.1.0 - 2019-12-12
Enhance Chart component animation performance and layout using RN gesture-handler and reanimated libraries
Improve the text appearance to fit all devices sizes.
The bottom panel can smoothly dragged to top and bottom of the screen.
Chart can show the price, date/time cursor when sliding over it.
a line on the slider to make it more presentable.
Crypto TopList Component
expo-sms for sending sms
Expo 33>> Expo 35expo-web-browser 5.0.3>> expo-web-browser 8.0.0react-navigation v3>> react-navigation v4
1.0.0 - 2019-10-23
Initial Release
Introducing a React Native Crypto Stream App Theme that offers crypto exchanges, wallets, merchant tools from buying & selling digital assets to helping buyers/sellers keep up-to-date with all changes with simulation for wallets and transactions.
Last updated
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